
Full moom october 2021
Full moom october 2021

Your home and family have a new start and there's also changes regarding your groups, friends and connections. Creativity and intelligence help you positively plan for the future. If you have legal matters, changes happen to move these forward.

full moom october 2021 full moom october 2021

This is BIG and the heavens want you to grow as a person. Let go of the past to embrace the future. Cancer (June 21 to July 22):Ī new cycle begins in an important REALationship. Expansion may also involve transformation in your everyday routine - habits, work and health. Do not wait, lest you put on weight waiting. The universe wants you to spiritually grow and expand. As one door closes, another opens, and you're being tempted to walk straight in. Starting the month, the great cycle of endings and beginnings is blessing your joint resources and intimacy zone. Your everyday life, work and health have a new start. It may be you need to cut off some old redundant parts of life, so you have space for wonderful new things coming. Your potential is so much larger than you currently know, and the stars are encouraging you to surge forward into new vistas. there's another side of life you're being called to. It doesn't matter if you're a lawyer, banker or whatever. It's time to expand your life through study, travel or spirituality.


Watch for overspending with the Full Moon in your House of Money by taking care of your possessions and finances. There are new beginnings also around your important relationships and partnerships. Doing something just for money doesn't cut it anymore, you need to feel fulfilled. It's huge and changes are needed to get you to finally fulfil your heart's desires. Your Minor Grand Trine is pointing to transformation in your career or general life direction. What does October say for your star sign? Aries (March 21 to April 19): Hunters would use the light of the moon to track down game and stock up for the coming winter.

full moom october 2021

In the northern hemisphere, the full moon is called the Hunter's Moon as it's the end of the harvest season and marks the hunting that was done during this time of year. it's an opportunity for spiritual growth and goal setting." "You can feel the magical, fresh energy in the air right now with spring upon us. "On the positive side, it's a great time for gratitude and appreciation for what nature has given us," said Ms Smith. This moon will also be the first full moon after the September Equinox - which marks the start of Spring in the southern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, October's full moon was once known by early Aussie settlers as the pink moon because it signifies the arrival of the first spring flowers – but this month's full moon won't actually be pink in colour. RELATED: The star sign responsible for producing the most geniuses revealed Rose Smith, who runs the largest psychic network in the southern hemisphere, says the Full Moon will be in Taurus.

full moom october 2021

"Focus on inner work, meditate, work on resolving small things in yourself, and get plenty of rest," said Ms Smith. Star signs most affected by this are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo and Libra. "The Finger of God can bring a compromising situation which is an 'appointment with power' as hidden energies are dredged up from the subconscious," says Ms Smith. This aspect pattern involves Uranus, Mercury and Venus which brings stressful situations where adjustments must be made. Ms Smith says at the time of the full moon there are also strong influences coming from what's called 'The Finger of God' or a 'Yod' in astrology. "Do watch for stubbornness however and don't be a 'stick in the mud'. There are many changes happening now, but some people will refuse to acknowledge these and seek to stay stuck in the past."

Full moom october 2021